What we do for ourselves to feel healthy and beautiful doesn’t always have to be external. Sure, a ton of attention is given to fat reduction, wrinkle smoothing, skin fillers, hair removal, and the like. But just as important as how we feel about the way we look on the outside, is how we feel about ourselves on a whole.

For many women, the experience of age or multiple childbirths leaves them feeling worn down and tired. The last thing they feel is youthful, vibrant, or energized.  Especially in the areas of their body that have bared the brunt of time or of having children. Breast lifts help many feel themselves again. And tummy tucks help moms remove extra skin on the abdomen that will never snap back despite the best diet and exercise.

But, among these types of procedures, the one area of the body that often gets overlooked is vaginal rejuvenation. A feminine wellness treatment such as this improves the tone and elasticity of the vaginal walls and labia so that you can look and feel more like you used to before the tests of time and children took its toll.

How Does It Work?

Procedures such as Votiva work by applying RF (radio frequency) heat to the internal vaginal canal to revitalize the tissue within. It also applies RF heat to the labia to recondition the tissue there as well. Votiva is minimally invasive, painless, and simple to complete.


Besides the improved appearance of the labia and vulva externally, vaginal rejuvenation also helps with sensitivity issues, low blood flow, pain sensations, and vaginal muscle weakening. It also does a lot to improve self-esteem in women who have become self-conscious, and it may increase sexual drive due to other positive effects of the treatment.

If you’re interested in learning more, please call our office today.

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